How do I become a member?

We love when someone asks, “How do I become a member of Belin Memorial?” Receiving believers into our faith family is just one way we fulfill our Mission and Vision. If you have any additional questions or would like to know more about Belin membership, feel free to contact the Reverend Isaac Dusenbury, 843.357.5188.

About the United Methodist Church

The UNITED METHODIST HANDBOOK outlines everything from what United Methodists believe to doctrine, areas of focus, frequently asked questions, connectivity of the United Methodist Church, and a glossary of terms.

Baptism and Profession of Faith

Entrance into the church is acknowledged in baptism. Baptism is God’s gift of unmerited grace through the Holy Spirit. It is an incorporation into Christ which marks the entrance of each person into the church and its ministry. (Paragraphs 127 and 310, UMCBOD).

Confirmation and Reaffirmation of Faith

A person who has been baptized but has never become a full member of a church may be confirmed and received into full membership, or a person may be baptized at the time of confirmation into the church. As recommended by the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, during this course, the doctrines of The United Methodist Church and the nature and mission of the Church are emphasized, leading to growth in knowledge, grace, and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. Confirmation classes are generally taught in the spring with Confirmation Sunday traditionally being scheduled on Pentecost.


A member in good standing in any Christian denomination who has been baptized and who desires to unite with The United Methodist Church may be received as a professing member by a proper certificate of transfer from that person’s former church, or by a declaration of Christian faith, and upon affirming willingness to be loyal to the United Methodist Church. (Paragraph 224 UMCBOD) The sending church will be notified of the reception of the

Affiliate and Associate Membership

There are two forms of membership for those who do not wish to leave membership in a “home church” but wish to become a part of the community of faith in another local church.

A United Methodist who is a member of another United Methodist congregation “who resides for an extended period in a city or community at a distance from the member’s home church may, on request, be enrolled as an affiliate member.” (Paragraph 226 UMCBOD). The pastor of the home church will be notified of the affiliate membership and the person would still be counted as a member only of the home church.

A member coming from another Christian denomination may become an associate member under the same conditions as an affiliate member.

Starting Point

If you have theological, ecumenical, or sectarian questions and would like to join our pastors for coffee and an informal conversation, we invite you to join us for “Starting Point,” held quarterly on Sundays at 4 PM in the Family Life Center. No need to sign up. Members and non-members are welcome to join us! Check the weekly Inlet View e-news or CALENDAR for Starting Point dates.