Youth Ministries

Through fellowship and worship, our mission is to learn of and share God’s grace and compassion in order to make followers of Christ. With missions and outreach, we will strive to grow spiritually and spread God’s love.

Staying in the Loop

Director of Youth Ministries: Brandy Streett (email)
Follow “belinyouth” on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Click HERE to join the mailing list!


(no registrations at this time)

Youth Group

Middle School: Sundays from 5 PM – 6:30 PM
High School: Sundays from 6 PM – 7:30 PM

Prayer Breakfast

Murrells Inlet Prayer Breakfast meets every Wednesday of the month at 7 AM at Chick-fil-A in Murrells Inlet (during the school year).

Sunday School

Middle School and High School Sunday School

Join us from 10 AM – 10:45 AM in the Family Life Center for Sunday school as we explore various biblical topics and life application lessons.

Youth Confirmation

Confirmation Class Schedule
Once youth enter sixth grade, they can participate in the youth ministry. Sixth-grade youth can choose to be in our Confirmation program. This program focuses on our history and heritage as Methodists, what it means to be a Christian and a Methodist, and living as a disciple in our world.

If youth complete the Confirmation program and choose to be confirmed in the Christian faith at Belin UMC, they become members of the church on a special Confirmation Sunday. For more information, contact Brandy Streett at

Confirmation Class Videos

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